Thursday 29 April 2010

Potato Salad Contest: RECIPE 3 - Chloe Roddick (Edinburgh Film Festival)


This is my Mum's Secret Potato Salad Recipe. 
This is the best potato salad you will ever eat. As you eat it, you'll weep to think of all the other sub-par potato salads you have eaten in your life. It will be like emerging from the darkness, into the light.

Jersey Royals (peeled)
Mayonnaise (FULL-FAT or FORGET IT) (I dunno, loads really)
Spring Onions (a bunch, chopped)
Red Onions (1 large, diced)
Celery (diced)
Walnuts (a few handfuls, roughly hewn)
Greek yoghurt (one spoonful)
Allspice (to taste)
Paprika (to taste)
A pinch of mild chili powder
A pinch of dill
A dash of worcester sauce
and a LOAD (nearly a whole block, if you can handle it) of parmesan.

Boil potatoes till soft. Add everything. Mix up. REVEL. x

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