Saturday 3 October 2009

Branchage meets David Wood from Lindsay Anderson's IF....

Friday was a hive of activity, and one of the many festival events happening that night was a screening of Lindsay Anderson's If.... at Victoria College. In attendance was actor David Wood, who starred alongside Malcolm McDowell in the film, as well as Paul Cotgrove from the Lindsay Anderson Memorial Foundation.

We also asked ex-teacher Fraser Martin to get back into teacher mode and prowl along the corridors barking at the "boys" in true If.... style, whilst the audience was on their way into the great hall where Callum Grey was performing beautiful piano music.

Watch the video to see Fraser Martin in role, and David Wood talking about the school tie and "dummy" script that he brought with him.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

What a great venue for a screening of If.... It looks like it would have been very atmospheric, especially with the scary headmaster! The festival sounds, and looks, like it was a lot of fun, with a great line-up of films and special events. I've posted a few photos from the Lindsay Anderson Archive on my blog of contact strips from the shooting of If.... (with David Wood in some of the shots).