Branchage Festival is literally hotting up today, with our box office bustling with ticketbuyers, wonderful Branchage volunteers, and guests picking up their passes.
Lamination of various Branchage print items is also helping temperatures sizzle, as well as our freshly printed FEEDBACK FORMS! You will be seeing these beauties at almost every festival event and we're asking you all to fill them in before you leave the venue then hand back them back to a Branchage person (look out for smiley people in Branchage staff t-shirts, wearing staff lanyards).
These feedback forms help us figure out what you love the best, so that we can make sure that next year's festival is full of more fantastic events to suit your fancy!
So please please fill out the forms and also don't forgot to give back the pen you are provided with (which have been kindly donated by Sigma Group) for the people at the next event to use...
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