Branchage has been out and about spreading the good word this week.
Nestled in amongst the brilliant programme of the Birds Eye View Film Festival was a training event run jointly by BAFTA and Shooting People: Short Sighted, all about how to get your short film exhibited and distributed. Branchage’s very own Xanthe Hamilton was asked to speak at the event, giving a room of eager, note-scribbling filmmakers the low-down on exhibiting shorts. Having crossed the divide from filmmaker to festival organiser she had a fair bit of wisdom to impart!
Also was a nice opportunity to let everyone know the official dates for Branchage 2009… wait for it…
1st – 4th October 2009
So start clearing your diaries now.
2008’s Festival Trailers were screened by way of an introduction to Xanthe’s work and to Branchage, and the Branchage team were tickled by them so much (having not watched them for a couple of months) that we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you of those little slices of Jersey Joy.
Just go to our Youtube channel to see the other trailers in the set:
Branchage is a lively boutique film festival on the island of Jersey, dotted in the waves of the English Channel.
Annually, Branchage hosts an array of diverse and raucously entertaining films, dazzling special events, talks, exhibitions, training and education.
The festival gathers films by some of the worlds most talented directors and hunts out the freshest new talent to bring a selection of now and then, long and short, true and false.
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