Okay, so we’re quite a long way off the final judging still, but submission to this year’s Branchage Jersey International Film Festival has officially opened. It has only been a week or so and already the entries are arriving, to the heady excitement of the Branchage Programming Team and all concerned.
This year the festival is looking for your short films – any subject, any genre, any style – and it’s well worth the entry as we’re cooking up a great set of awards and prizes. There’s a £10,000 cash pot all in all, but the finer details of categories and the divvying up of that cash is yet to be announced. Keep your ears to ground, all will be revealed soon.
If you have a short film to enter, wherever you’re from in the world, entry is hassle-free via Withoutabox.com, so just head to the Branchage website for all the details, and who knows, you could end up seeing your name in lights.
Here are some dates you need to know:
Early Bird Deadline – 4th June
Regular Deadline – 9th July
Late Deadline – 16th July
Here is a picture of your name in lights (off the internet). x