The inaugural Branchage Festival was a whacking great five months ago, and the general opinion seems to be that it was a roaring success! In fact, the Branchage Team felt it went down so well with Islanders and visitors alike that we've gotten straight into planning for Branchage 2009! Okay, so maybe we took Christmas off, but give us a break eh?
So after beavering away through that cold, dark Winter, little Branchage is poking its head back out (into the land of online communication), blinking into the almost-Springtime sunshine and feeling like it's time to update the world on what we've been up to since the Festival in September....
First off, after some wrangling with the powers-that-be over curfews and the like, and a natter with our main sponsor, we are delighted to say that Branchage 2009 is on! DATES TO BE ANNOUNCED IMMINENTLY.
Our other big news is, Branchage is having a full makeover for 2009. As I write this, designers are busy planning out a whole new look for the Festival. Branchage loves good design and artwork, so get prepared to welcome a really exciting look for 2009. Branchage 2009 design will be revealed next month!

AND, as if all that wasn't enough, Branchage ran its first London event in January, a night of film and music that celebrated Outisders - those funny folk who just refuse to blend in. We're gearing up for another Branchage in London night in March, just as soon as we're sure we've got together an ace cross-arts line up to package up and present to London town.
Aside from all of that, we're already getting excited about possible new events and commissions for Branchage 2009, and generally loving plotting lots of audio-visual treats to dazzle Jersey with later in the year.