Saturday 28 June 2008

Team Trailer!

Anyone who's anyone knows that every good film needs a trailer. So if you're putting together a GREAT film festival you need a trailer as well right? WRONG! You need EIGHT! That's right the Branchage team traveled back to Jersey to film eight trailers to get people's mouths watering for the upcoming festival.

With ideas flying and hands scribbling on the flight over the Branchage team finally came up with plots of the trailers and were off. Like the auteur Guerilla filmmakers they are the Branchage team set out to find actors and last minute locations as the weekend quickly escaped them.

They knocked on doors, literally asking people if they spoke Jersey French and if they would like to be in a trailer about the first Jersey film festival. Some were taken aback by the request while others stepped up to the challenge presented by the team and succeeded with flying colors.

Stay tuned for the trailers as they have their World Premiere at the Edinburgh Film Festival next week and then we will be rolling them out on this blog in the coming weeks!

Monday 16 June 2008

Projecting Onto Cows

To say "Hello!" to the world the Branchage team knew they had to do something special...something one of a kind. So they packed up their bags and traveled to the isle of the moment...Jersey! With an idea in their heads and a twinkle in their eyes they set out to make their lifelong dreams a project an image onto the side of a cow. They knew it had to get the press's attention and what better way than with livestock?

After accomplishing their dream they decided to move onto bigger and better things such as...

...the sides of buildings. Just to get their point across to the world that Branchage is coming and they better prepare!

Friday 6 June 2008

Welcome to the Branchage Blogage!

Greetings all! We are here to announce the Branchage Blog aptly titled: Blogage!

This will be THE go-to spot for news regarding the first Branchage Jersey International Film Festival! We will keep you up to date with everything from film announcements to sneak peeks behind the scenes. So keep checkin' back and we'll see you at the festival!

Check out

for more information and stay tuned here!